Can't connect? Don't have power?
If you're having challenges with your child participating in eLearning, please call your school's front office for assistance:
- Blackhawk Middle School: 630-766-2601
- Tioga School: 630-766-2602
- W.A. Johnson School: 630-766-2605
What is an eLearning Day?
The goal of an eLearning Day is to engage students in learning when school buildings are closed due to extreme weather such as wintry, snowy conditions or other emergencies.
Why would BSD2 use an eLearning Day?
The primary reason for using an eLearning Day is to maintain the momentum of learning. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) established this option for schools who have the ability to provide high-quality instruction electronically in the event of severe weather that would normally require a school day to be canceled. Provided a school can provide five hours of electronic instruction, ISBE will grant the school the ability to provide instruction to students virtually and to count the day as a regular school day rather than using built-in emergency days at the end of the school year.
How will parents and students know if an eLearning Day will be taking place?
Inclement weather cancellations and announcements of eLearning Days will be relayed through emails, text messages, and automated phone calls from the BSD2 notification system, and posted on both the District and school websites. Parents will be notified no later than 6 a.m. if the District is closing its schools and holding an eLearning Day. (No announcement means it will be a normal school day.)
What will an eLearning Day look like?
For students, the day will begin an hour later than normal. This will provide teachers planning time to adapt their lessons for the eLearning format. Students will follow their regular in-person schedule by logging into their Chromebooks, going to their Google Classrooms, and joining eLearning from the Google Meets link(s) posted there. Students will be engaged in live instruction for the entire five-hour school day. Attendance will be taken, and students will then be engaged in live instruction for the entire five-hour school day.
What kinds of activities will my child be doing on an eLearning Day?
The expectation from ISBE is that instruction will continue in the same progression as it would on a regular school day. Thus, depending on the content being covered that day, students may be given information on a topic, assigned activities to practice a skill, collaborate with others on a project, or given an assessment to evaluate learning.
Will attendance be taken on eLearning Days?
Yes, absences will count as teachers will be taking attendance on any eLearning Day the same way they would for an in-person learning day.
What if my child needs help with school work or a technical issue on an eLearning Day?
Content Support: Teachers will be available to support students during live instruction or through email.
Tech Support: Assistance with any technology issues may be reached by contacting members of the District’s technology team:
- Tioga School: Val Mrugacz, Technology Support Specialist, 630-521-2352
- W.A. Johnson School: Joe West, Technology Support Specialist, 630-521-2348
- Blackhawk Middle School: Jesse Delacruz, Technology Support Specialist, 630-521-2347
What if we do not have access to the internet at home?
BSD2 schools are working to identify families that require this support, and supply them with mobile hotspots so their children can participate in instruction during an eLearning Day. If your family is in need of this support and you have not been contacted by your school, please reach out to the school directly with your request.